ASK4 strive to provide outstanding customer care to all our service users.
- Our customers genuinely matter to us.
- Our reputation matters to us and we know our reputation comes from delighting our customers.
- Our team are committed to using all the skill, ingenuity and resources available to them to delight our customers whenever they use any part of our services.
How We Communicate
We are committed to solving any issues that may arise for a customer using our service. We will:
- listen carefully to identify the cause of the problem
- be polite, friendly and accurate with any information provided
- use jargon free language to ensure any information given is understood
- take all steps necessary to assist in resolving the problem
We may not be able to help if a customer’s behaviour is inappropriate, abusive or threatening.
Continual Improvement
We regularly survey the customers who use our support service to ask for feedback on their experience. This feedback is used to help us improve the service we provide.
If a customer is not satisfied or has a complaint about the service received, or a member of the team, they are invited to submit a complaint.
Please include the following information in the Complaint Details section:
- A summary of the complaint
- Any supporting evidence you wish to provide. The more information you provide the better. Examples of the kind of information you should provide include:
- any ticket or issue references that we have used
- the names of ASK4 staff that you have spoken to about this issue
- dates and times
- any phone numbers you may have called us from – so that we can check phone logs
- any emails you may have sent us
- If your issue relates to your personal data and the way we have handled it, you have the right to raise the issue with the Information Commissioner’s Office
Complaints can only be accepted via the online form and letter, not over the phone.
- Our policy is that you will receive an initial response confirming receipt of the complaint within 24 hours of the email or letter arriving.
- Our policy is that you will receive an update on the progress of the investigation into your complaint within 3 working days of the confirmation.
- Our policy is that you will receive a formal response within 7 working days of receiving the first update.
- If you are not happy with the response that you receive, you have the right to escalate the matter or appeal against any decision that has been made.
- As a final point of arbitration, we are registered with the Ombudsman Services: Communications (OS:C) and will abide by any decision that they make. OS:C can be found here.