Apple devices have two security features activated by default: "MAC Randomization" and "MAC Rotation".
The private Wi-Fi connection, or "Mac randomization", helps you protect your privacy and security by changing or connecting the device's MAC whenever it is switched on and off.
As we point out that if your MAC has been registered on your account, this means that you will be able to turn on your device as long as it is activated.
This applies to the open world (ASK4 Wireless, or ASK4 WiFi).
The MAC rotation changes or changes the MAC to the device more frequently, without needing to squeeze it. I can talk to you every two weeks.
To solve this problem, we recommend that you follow the secure ASK4 Wireless 802.1x network. This will allow you to connect in a safe way, without randomly entering the MAC of your device and without having to turn on your device.
Note: It is necessary to register and create a contact to connect to the ASK4 Wireless 802.1x network
Alternatively, if you wish to use the ASK4Wireless network, you can opt to deactivate the functionality. This is entirely your responsibility.
Below are the instructions on how to do this on iOS. You can find instructions for Android and Windows through Google.
Deactivate the private address
Go to "Definitions" and then touch the information button next to ASK4Wireless. Touch the cursor to "Enter private Wi-Fi" to remove random data from MAC. Reply the same step separately to the 802.1x network to establish a secure connection to the same.
Disable MAC rotation
Go to "Definitions" and then touch the information button next to ASK4 Wireless. Touch the sliding bar to "Rotate to Wi-Fi" to remove the MAC rotation. Reply the same step separately to the 802.1x network to establish a secure connection to the same.